Claims Management

PERMA has a team of claims professionals that specializes in managing claims programs for risk-pooling programs.

  • Claims Program Design: A claims program is only as good as its administrative procedures, and we are skilled at managing the details. This includes establishing reporting procedures, fraud prevention, medical management, legal assignments, data and banking arrangements and audit requirements.
  • Provider Selection: Selecting a provider is a crucial step. PERMA is experienced in helping Commissioners conduct pre-selection audits. We also have developed special procedures to evaluate managed care organizations.
  • Claims Oversight: An often-overlooked area is the need for an independent unit to oversee the claims adjusters and other claims providers. PERMA works with clients to establish claims oversight on an ongoing basis.
  • Audit and Reserve Analysis: Our objective is to work with claims providers to improve their effectiveness. We use a standardized scoring system to track relative performance over time. Unlike many of our competitors, we are not associated with a TPA.
  • Workers Compensation Control: PERMA is especially effective in helping clients return injured employees to work. Our approach emphasizes coordination between adjusters and the medical, legal and safety professionals required to control claims and prevent fraud.