External Links

  • NJ Municipal Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund: The MEL is a governmental entity that provides excess insurance and services to 19 local Joint Insurance Funds (JIFs) representing over 65% of all local governments in New Jersey. With an annual budget of $250 million, New Jersey’s MEL system is one of the largest governmental property & casualty risk pools in the country. To date, the MEL and its member JIFs have saved taxpayers over $3.6 billion.
  • Municipal Reinsurance Health Insurance Fund: MR-HIF is a government entity that provides excess insurance coverage and services to 7 local Health Insurance Funds (HIFs). These 7 HIFs provide health insurance coverage to 171 local units and 137 Boards of Education. MR-HIF and its local HIFs are also the largest health insurance pools of their type in the country. To date, MR-HIF and the local HIFs have saved taxpayers over $1 billion.
  • Sustainable Energy Joint Meeting: SEM is the first statewide electric and natural gas cooperative for governmental entities. Formed in 2009, the SEM is a governmental entity that currently has 209 members including 168 municipalities. To date, the SEM has saved taxpayers $40 million.
  • The New Jersey Counties Excess Liability Joint Insurance Fund: The CEL began offering broad property & casualty coverage in 2010. The CEL currently insures 10 counties and to date has saved taxpayers $85 million.