How it Works

A Shared Services Model

A shared services model is known to be an effective way of purchasing energy, supplies and services. In particular, the shared services model, called a Joint Insurance Fund, has proven extremely successful for purchasing property and casualty insurance.

Like the highly successful property and casualty JIFs, health insurance is also available through a shared services model.

The Health JIFs are regionalized and regulated by the New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance, offering unparalleled controls and measures. With a PERMA Health JIF, you own the process, the products and the results, allowing you to:

  • Better predict and control future healthcare costs
  • Preserve local control over your insurance plan
  • Maintain your current level of benefits on an “equal-to or better-than” basis
  • Influence claim costs through improved program management
  • Reduce administrative expenses through increased negotiating clout
  • Access your own claims data

Membership has its benefits. And privileges. A Health JIF is exclusive for only those public entities with a strong claims history and strong loss records.