Municipal Reinsurance Fund

An Introduction

The Municipal Reinsurance Health Insurance Fund is available to primarily serve governmental entities and school districts throughout the State of New Jersey. The Fund provides reinsurance to the local Health Insurance Funds and to larger size entities. The Fund provides global contracting with medical carriers, pharmacy networks and dental carriers is order to provide favorable pricing and contract terms based on larger economies of scale.

Like all Health JIFs, each member is represented on the Fund Executive Committee by a Fund Commissioner. At the direction of the Executive Committee, PERMA can manage every aspect of the Fund, from day-to-day functionality to vendor selection to long-range forecasting.

Our Wisdom, Your Advantage

The Municipal Reinsurance Health Insurance Fund, like all Health JIFs managed by PERMA, has a proven track-record of fiscal responsibility. The reason is the decision-making process combines our decades of public entity expertise with your needs. Together, the result is a Fund that delivers year-after-year.

How the Fund is Managed

Fund Executive Committee – Fund Commissioners
Executive Director – PERMA
Fund Professionals – Actuary, Attorney, Claims Auditor and Program Manager

By The Numbers

1999 – Established | 110 – Public Entities In Fund | 5.8 Percent – Average Premium Increase Over Past 10 Years | $2,900,000 – 5-Year Average Dividend Payment